Kespi Honey

  • State-of-the-Art Processing: Kespi has established a cutting-edge honey processing facility, dedicated to producing premium Kenyan honey. We collaborate with local farmers to ensure high-quality products, which we supply to supermarkets and plan to export globally. Our honey processing operations are fully licensed by KEBS and local authorities.
  • Asali Africa: Under our Asali Africa brand, we craft exceptional honey that captures the essence of Kenya. Asali Africa combines a passion for nature with excellence, offering a unique blend of flavors and nutrients sourced from Kenya’s diverse landscapes. Our state-of-the-art facility transforms raw nectar into golden honey, delivering a true taste of Africa.


Kespi Fruits

  • Fruit Farming and Certification: Through our subsidiary, Mamatunda, we are engaged in fruit farming with a focus on avocados. We are licensed by the Horticultural Crops Department and hold international certifications from Global GAP and GRASP. In 2024, Mamatunda signed a four-year export agreement to Belarus, focusing on Hass and Fuerte avocados. We are also planning to launch facilities for processing dried fruits.

Kespi Agri Investments

  • Large-Scale Agriculture Projects: Kespi is at the forefront of developing large-scale agricultural and processing projects. We work closely with various financial institutions and undertake self-financed projects to drive innovation and growth in the agricultural sector. Our pipeline includes a range of transformative projects aimed at enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.